Ranger Assistance Program
Ranger Assistance Program
USARA established its Ranger Assistance Program (RAP) in 2010 for the purpose of providing immediate, short-term financial assistance to active duty and veteran Rangers, as well as their immediate family. Hard times are an inevitable part of life, and in keeping with the objectives set forth in its Constitution, USARA is dedicated to helping those Rangers and Ranger families that need assistance getting back up after being knocked down. The RAP is intended to provide emergency assistance, financial and otherwise, in an effort to ensure that every Ranger is afforded the opportunity to take a knee, get a sip of water, return to the fight, and drive on to the Ranger objective.
The RAP is wholly funded by donations from USARA members as well as individuals and corporations that support the Ranger community. USARA's Ranger Assistance Officer is charged with ensuring that the funds donated to support this important mission are put to their maximum effective use. Accordingly, although the RAP is able to assist Rangers and their families with many short-term needs, it cannot provide long-term funding, insolvency protection, or assistance when other forms of financial relief (such as insurance or liquidation of nonessential assets) are available.
The following are examples of circumstances when the RAP has been able to provide assistance:
- Payment of invoices owed for uninsured repair of automobile necessary for Ranger to get to work.
- Payment of monthly mortgage bill in order to ensure that Ranger's home is not in default when pending medical bills are likely to force an insolvency proceeding.
- Payment of flights for active-duty Ranger and his family to attend funeral when flights would be cost-prohibitive.
The following are examples of circumstances when the RAP has been unable to provide assistance:
- Payment of a portion of medical bills when it is clear that the Ranger will be unable to pay the remaining expenses.
- Payment of legal expenses associated with divorce.
- Payment of past due rent owed when Ranger possesses non-essential assets that could be liquidated to pay amount owed, but he prefers not to sell or liquidate them.
If you are in need, or if you know of another member of the Ranger community who is, please contact the Ranger Assistance Officer at the following email or telephone number:
Robert Gill
(832) 216-7141
Alternatively, you can also contact your Regional Director. If you do not know the telephone number or email address of your Regional Director, you can find that information as this page: USARA Leadership Directory
USARA welcomes donations via credit card or a PayPal account; both methods use the same donation image link below. You may also mail donation checks directly to USARA at the address shown below. USARA is a 501(c)(19) nonprofit entity; accordingly, charitable donations/contributions are tax-deductible. Receipts for donations will be sent for all individual donations in excess of $100.
Donations may be made via the website or by sending funds to the following address:
U.S. Army Ranger Association
Attn: Ranger Assistance Program
P.O. Box 52126
Fort Benning, GA 31995-2126